Before ever having Eric, I said I would NEVER be "that" parent who only talks about their kids! Boy, was I wrong! I am sure you are all thinking this at some point in your parenting life! =) I realize now, that the reason Us Mom's talk so much about our children is because that's what we are consumed with in our everyday life at this point in time! As a Mom, we are expected to be PERFECT in every way! Cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, the list goes on and on!
Before having kids, I said I would NEVER let my child run the halls of a big Hotel...NOW, we go there to do, just that! =) Run Eric Run!!
Before ever having kids, I said I would NEVER "tip toe" around the house and I would be so loud, I would vacuum while they were sleeping! hahaha We soon learned that Eric was a light sleeper and once he was asleep, we would do anything to keep him that way! Yes, I admit, I still tip toe around the house!
I said I would NEVER let my child sleep in my bed...... We soon figured out, we actually got sleep if he was in our bed! =) In fact, we got him a queen sized bed so he would think he was in our bed!
I said I would NEVER "bribe" my child to get them to behave! Now, I realize, it's not bribing, it's incentive! Incentive away! =)
So, we quickly learned, as a parent, you do whatever it takes for your family! It does not matter what people think! You do what's right for you and your children. Besides, once you see your child smile at you for the first time, they have you tied around their little finger forever!!
I would say the most valuable lesson I have learned as a parent..."NEVER SAY NEVER!!!"
What have you all said "Never" to??
I love this. It's SOOOO True!!! :)